Friday, March 26, 2010

Where are you chocolate pudding pie?

The other day Michael came home saying that 7 Eleven had some really good mini fruit and pudding know, the ones like Hostess makes, except 7 Eleven had their own brand and they put lots of sugar on the outside of the crust. That night happened to be date night, so I mentioned going to 7 Eleven to get one. We went to the one in Springville by our house and do you think they had a chocolate pudding pie? No. Not one. They of course had gross cherry, and lemon, and peach...but no chocolate. (I won't even touch a pastry if it has some sort of fruit concoction in the middle. It has to be chocolate.) The next week we were grocery shopping at Fresh Market and I decided to take a look at their chocolate pudding pie inventory. Nothing again, except for the Little Cutie brand, but it only takes one bite to finish their pies, so it didn't tempt me (but I came away with a few to quench my hunger for the real deal until I could find where they have been taking cover.) Last night we went to Wal-Mart to buy a printer, and again, I thought we should check to see if they had any of the illusive chocolate pudding pies. Goose Egg. Today at lunch, I brought my knock-off chocolate pudding pie, but regardless of the cute size and smiley didn't do anything for me. I felt cheated.
Wherever you are regular-sized chocolate pudding pie, I will find you. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but sometime. The hope of finding you brings with it the promise of a sweet reunion.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Crocs are a travesty

This post is in response to the many people that I see sporting the Birkenstocks of the new millenium...Crocs (and the cheap knock-offs that they put their kids in.)
I am sure that I have been no stranger to an occasional fashion faux pas,yet I feel it is my duty to warn the people and save them from the end all be all of crimes against the foot... Crocs. Lets face it, it is just another forum for socks and sandals folk, which is the last thing anyone should be subjected to.
Moving aside from opinion to actual facts...wearing Crocs puts you on a collision course with pain. Click Here.
My last attempt to save the human race from this gross misinterpretation of a shoe...

Friday, March 19, 2010

25 Random Things

I recently came across a "25 Random Things" chain letter so to speak...and decided I would partake in the randomness of it because I lack anything better to write this week and I am a pretty good list maker. So here goes, 25 random things about me;

1. I love Michael so much, but lately I have had a growing crush on Richard Armitage (the actor, not the politician)
2. It is almost 1:00 p.m. and I am still in my jamjams (as Erin would say on "The Office")but I feel it is warranted since today is a furlough day, and I deserve it.
3. My kitchen smells, except I can't imagine why. There is no food out, and the kitchen is sorta clean, so now I am pretty sure it is my garbage, but I don't want to open the lid to take it out. I'll wait 'til Michael comes home, he's fought some pretty fierce stink battles in the past and came out victorious...
4. Mischa Boy loves to take socks, underwear, and anything else he can get his paws on, under the bed...where the items go to die, and never return. He pretty much sets up shop under the bed and it is almost impossible to get him out. We have tried numerous ways to get him out, but to no avail. Finally, I tried knocking on the door, or wall, and he comes running out to see who's at the door. It works like a charm, but I feel sorta guilty tricking him all of the time...and then he does it again, and the guilt goes away.
5. I am feeling sort of bad that I am leaving the garbage for Michael to deal with, so I am going to take it out.
6. I am graduating in a month with a four year degree that took seven years to get.
7. I registered for graduation convocation on the deadline date...that should tell you something about me and why it took seven years to get my degree. I procrastinate.
8. I got a new phone last week and I have been too afraid to put it in my purse. I don't want it to get scratched by my keys, so I hold it in my hand like a tool.
9. Parent/Teacher conferences were last night. The PTA provided a dinner for us and I dripped gravy on my white camisole. I looked really professional.
10. Another 2nd grade teacher showed me this really cool number trick that you can play with your students and they think that you can read their minds. I did it for my class this past week and all my students thought it was really cool...except one. Student B ruined it for me. I think he did it on purpose, so I just won't call on him anymore when I do the trick. That makes me feel better.
11. I have lots of laundry to do. I hate laundry. I hate folding laundry. As of late, and I hope my mom doesn't read this, but because we have so many whites...instead of folding them, I have taken to just shoving them in a drawer.
12. Post #11 got me thinking about how my mom and grandma do things and how opposite I have turned out from them. My mom irons her pillowcases. My grandma won't leave the house without her hair or makeup done. She manages to look beautiful even in a sweatshirt and jeans. Mom gets up early every morning and runs. They both wear dish gloves so as not to ruin their hands and nails. How did I turn out the way I did? I shove things in a drawer...I go shopping in my pajamas sometimes...I hate running!
13. I am starting to regret this 25 things list...I am getting bored.
14. I always wanted to be described as exotic looking. It has always conjured up the prettiest of people in my mind. Instead, my husband says that I am unique looking. I love him lots, and I know he loves me and thinks I am beautiful, so I will go with unique looking...I guess it is endearing.
15. My new couch creaks. I wish we had bought a different one.
16. Sometimes, as I walk up or down the three flights of stairs to our condo, I wonder how it will be when I am in labor and trying to get down to the car, or how I will carry the baby and whatever else back up the stairs. (I am not pregnant, by the way.)
17. I avoid looking at my bank account. Even when I was single I hated looking at it. I don't think I have seen it since I got married.
18. I bought these really nice, clear spice bottles at IKEA to hold all of our spices because I hated how the store bought bottles looked. Now, I can't tell which spice is which.
19. My alter ego is my ROCKBAND avatar. I spend more time changing her clothes, hair and accessories than I do actually playing ROCKBAND.
20. For the past month and a half or so, I have boycotted Wal-Mart, based on moral principle. I am going through withdrawals. I miss their low prices, and the fact that it is a one stop shop mecca.
21. I want to write a book. I always have, but the thought of actually sitting down to do it is daunting, so I end up just telling the story in my head.
22. I have never liked seeing people eat alone. Especially in really public places like a restaurant. If they just had a book or something to read, it would make me feel better. I was shocked to hear that my own mother ate alone in Vegas! I thought we both agreed that it was sad looking.
23. I love documentaries. I think that is why reality tv has such a hold on well as The Office.
24. Whenever I get close to the edge of something I always get this sick feeling in my stomach like I am going to fall. I also don't like glass elevators. They make my legs weak.
25. I wish I was friends with someone famous. Maybe even their closest confidant.

Monday, March 15, 2010

My Big Mike

I just got back from seeing the movie "Blindside"...and I cried all the way through it. It was such a good movie! When I first heard that they called Michael Oher, "Big Mike", it made me think of the time that I called my own husband, Big Mike. He was commenting on Facebook that he would like to be one of Robin Hood's merry men, and I asked him if he would be Big know, Little John...Big Mike, it seemed to fit. Anyway, after seeing the movie, and feeling inspired and full of love, I decided to dedicate this post to my Big Mike.
I love Michael with all my heart. He works so hard for our family, makes sure that we are taken care of, and even when money is tight, he always gives me just a little bit of my own to spend on what I want. He gets up every morning, takes the dog out, and then makes my lunch. He gets home after a long day, and helps me make dinner. He helps keep the house clean, helps motivate me when I don't want to do anymore, and always makes me laugh. He always opens the door for me, lets me go first, gives me his pocket change, and if there is only a little bit of ice cream left, he lets me have that too. I love my Big Mike. In so many more ways than I can write.

Friday, March 5, 2010

I need a job.

This is a pretty scary time for me as a teacher. Because of the nature of my position, I do not have a job for the next school year. I have been looking everyday...but nothing is available. Some things might become available later on...but I do not want to miss any opportunities. This coming Friday I am going to a Utah Teacher Recruitment Fair, I am hoping for the best, but still, I can't get those hopes up too high. If I do not get a teaching job for next school year...I will need a job that pays at least $10.00 an hour to be able to survive. Keep your eyes open for me...lets hope and pray for the best! Luckily, I will at least have a college degree going for me. I guess that is what you would call silver lining to this situation.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Right at this very moment, my blood is boiling. I am angry. Because I cannot quickly remedy the situation, I need to take my mind off of what makes me want to spew vitriolic rhetoric to the deserving party. I decided I would focus on things that I love, rather than what makes me hate.

1. Waking up early and realizing that I can sleep in.

-I love when this happens! Although, I usually get up anyway, and I seem to enjoy my morning when I know I don't have to be anywhere.

2. The sun on my back.

-I never realize how important this is to me until we go through months of cold and darkness. Today, the sun was shining, and it brought with it hope that soon the sun will be out and shining brightly everyday.

3. New haircuts.

-I think just getting pampered in any way has therapeutic effects. I recently watched "The Beauty Academy of Kabul" on Netflix, and it reaffirmed my belief that a girl needs pampering attention at least every six least thats what my split ends tell me.

4. The satisfaction that comes from having a clean house.

-I have started to notice that after everytime I clean my house, I have a desire to just sit and enjoy the feeling. Other feelings that have accompanied the moment; having a bowl of cereal, reading, scrapbooking, and getting up in the middle of the night to watch T.V. (I think I experience these side effects because having a clean house doesn't cause stress...and when I am not stressed, these are things I enjoy.)

5. Fresh flowers.

-I have always enjoyed getting flowers. Although, it is hard for me to enjoy the flowers if the house is messy, so for me to fully enjoy its effects, everything about #4 has to be in place.

6. Late Friday nights

-I love knowing that I can stay up late without repercussions the next morning. It also seems to lengthen my weekend. When Michael and I were first married, and we were both in school, there were nights that we sometimes just didn't feel like doing anything responsible. Somehow, those nights we ended up calling "fun nights." Michael would say, "do you want to just have a fun night?" I would reply always with a resounding yes...and then we would probably watch a movie, or t.v. and eat ice cream.

7. New socks.

-I love the way a new sock feels on my foot. I love how the elastic is still tight, and how perfectly white the cotton is. It is foot heaven for about $6.00, if you get the six pair pack. My favorite type: No show. Recently I have been rocking the No Nonsense brand, and they are true to their name.

Writing about what makes me happy has helped take my mind off of the negative. However, it just means that I will have to take care of it later, so all I really did was procrastinate. Thanks for reading.